For the impatient, here is a small example that display 10,000 points whose colors are computed from a colormap linked to the screen depth of each points. It can be directly saved to an image file or be made interactive to rotate it with the mouse.
import gsp
import numpy as np
canvas = gsp.core.Canvas(512, 512, 100)
viewport = gsp.core.Viewport(canvas, 0, 0, 512, 512)
camera = gsp.glm.Camera("perspective")
P = gsp.glm.vec3(10_000)
P.xyz = np.random.uniform(-1,+1,(len(P),3))
colormap = gsp.transform.Colormap("magma")
FC = colormap(transform.ScreenZ()) # fill colors
LC = gsp.core.Color(0,0,0,1) # line colors
S = 25 # size
LW = 0.25 # line width
points = gsp.visual.Points(viewport, P, S, FC, LC, LW)